Have you ever taken a walk in the woods with destiny hand in hand?

A walk in the woods

I didn’t know this path you took me back on
Deplete with unsure traces, yet infinite, like the sinuous ways of
While walking hand in hand with past
And bashfully pledging with present for the quest;
My heart, like the deer behind the trees, elegantly
Too weak to change at whim its beats
Before the moves of him, who rules the woods
Ordering storms or soft showers on my cheeks —
And our spring you used to paint with just a wrinkle of your smile
My hand, clutching hope in silence
While the unremitting rain pours down on our minds,
And lifts up lavish emotions within hearts
We get so close again, with only nature for excuse
As we try to fool fickle raindrops into
Breathing each other’s warmth, as if it were eternity
Nature is wild, ubiquitously free,
Just like the passion we portray before the venting landscape;
The truth
of such remains encaged in space, until the tempest fades
And lets the fragrances of broken sprigs,
Shed on the path before us, remind the earth of
Who never died, but perdured beyond reminiscence
Just like your arms ensconcing me in shelter, diligently
Or my true kisses, effacing the cold drops from your face
It’s clear again
And the deer gently come out from the waning storm
For nature has survived and is reborn!
Now, that you stand in front of me, engulfed with
For too many wanderings of life over the hopes of quiescence
Now, that I respect the pause, while I acclaim the follow-up
In deer grace, I want to play along with you the story of
For I plead with the sun so that you won’t forget my light of faith
Nor how it feels to touch you at care’s pace
Should I ever miss one time to breathe upon your lips with
Hear the rain, my kisses were much more than nature all around
Watch the past, my love is greater than the present to grasp
Feel me, like the water of loyalty and the fire of wishes upon
Share it with me, amid prodigal universes unsolved,
Or walk with me…upon the path you took me back on.

(Soar, A walk in the woods, September 2012, ? www.soaring-words.com. Picture source: privat)

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