Bringing Multiculturalism in Schools

Bringing Multiculturalism in Schools: 1st Regional Prize for the Multilingual AG (in collaboration with the MCG newspaper), Brandenburg, Germany, 2024 Special prize for the Multilingual AG (in collaboration with the MCG newspaper), dju (Deutsche Journalisten Union), Berlin, Germany, 2024

Bringing Multiculturalism in Schools:

1st Regional Prize for the Multilingual AG (in collaboration with the MCG newspaper), Brandenburg, Germany, 2024
Special prize for the Multilingual AG (in collaboration with the MCG newspaper), dju (Deutsche Journalisten Union), Berlin, Germany, 2024

The Spoken Word Anthology

An international anthology of contemporary poetry, spoken word and short stories curated and published by (c)Soul and the City. Continue reading

The Spoken Word Anthology is a unique project of contemporary poetry, short stories, story poems and spoken word, where 6 continents, 30 different countries, 135.000 characters and 22.500 feelings are manifested with the purpose of keeping the artistic communities interconnected, intertwined, reinforced and united in their diversity and singularity. The result is mindblowing and enriching, not only linguistically, but also individually and socially, bringing new dimensions of wordwide resonnance and representation.

Soul and the City is an international undertaking, encompassing different artistic, educational and entertaining projects, meant to explore, stimulate, promote and empower socially engaged and politically conscious multicultural dialogues.

The Spoken Word Anthology

OUT NOW via our Contact page. 

Also available on Amazon as a Kindle Edition and e-Book.

Soul Diary LP

Exclusive LP of poetry, spoken word and story poetry Continue reading

S I D E A:                            S I D E B:
T i m e                                I n fa t u a t i o n
L o v e                                 C h e s s
D i s t a n c e                       T h e L e a f
T h e L e t t e r                    M s . L o v e a n d M r. P o l i t i c s
H o m e                               A m a z i n g
F o r e v e r

(c) 2020 Soar, All rights reserved. Unauthorized copying, public performance, hiring and broadcasting of this product forbidden. Produced in Europe. Manufactured in the USA. OUT NOW via our Contact page.

Soul Diary

English edition with multilingual translations in German, Italian and Romanian Continue reading

When poetry sets its sails towards the horizon of narrative poems, the land to find can only be fascinating. The author of The trilogy of love and Yours, poetically who lyrically shaped love from the universal elements to time, space and the primordial colours, is now bound to make a pensive stop at the inner values, forgotten in the drawers of innocence, keeping hope pulsing with life. Veiled in genuine happenings, just like a personal journal of relished secrets for the sequel of grand adventures, the stories unravel little things of significant impact, which can change the course of life and restore its harmony, in the immutable belief that we are not what we are but what we become, if we put our faith to work together with destiny, while remaining true to our inner beauty.

OUT NOW via our Contact page.

Also available on Amazon as a Kindle Edition and e-Book.

[For a presentation into German, Italian, French or Romanian, please click on the correspondent language.]

Colours of Life

Trilogy of Love Continue reading

Soar completes her poetical trilogy of love with a last chapter dedicated to the supreme attributes of care, passion and truth. From both an inner and an outer perspective, captured in a web of symbols upon antique or avant-gardist canvasses, the colours are the blending protagonists who shade and unveil emotions from reality to fairy tales, in down-to-earth depictions and magical atmospheres. Like a painter on the quest for truth beyond its setting, with the paintbrush of hopes and beliefs, the author faithfully pursues, throughout hazards of the universe and the constraints of the human mind, the rainbow’s droplets of light to finally reach its outmost colourful manifestation on a midday sky, where sun and rain intertwine: the truth has been poetically shaped. Love wins.

OUT NOW via our Contact page.

Also available on Amazon and iTunes as a Kindle Edition and iBook.

[For a presentation into German, Italian, French or Romanian, please click on the correspondent language.]

Yours, poetically

Special Deluxe Edition of Selected Quotes and Poems (2 Vol., 102 Pgs.)
Continue reading

Yours, poetically is a thoroughly entwined compilation of poems and quotations on life and people, coloured throughout time with artistic expressions to bring forth in sparks of emotions the best of human quintessence.

The unique collaboration with a 9-year-old budding artist with a gift for design and drawing makes it a touching profound manifesto of sensitivity and strength, of wisdom and innocence, in the pursuit of blissful values to preserve: love and hope.

*Awarded with the Qindie label: Quality book created by an independent author (indie); Germany, May 2014.
**Publication credits in literary magazines and newspapers in the United Kingdom and Germany.

OUT NOW via our Contact page.

Also available on Amazon and iTunes as a Kindle Edition and iBook.

[For a presentation into German, Italian, French or Romanian, please click on the correspondent language.]

In the Palms of Space and Time

After her d?buting ?passionate description of love and emotions with an aesthetic flavour?, Into Earth, Wind and Fire, Soar continues her quest of ?grasping today in search of tomorrows? with a second chapter of poetical thinking dedicated to time and space, the four-dimensional continuum of the universe, regent over life and humans.

Through metaphors, symbols and parallel vistas, the author questions the possibility of placing love as a fifth dimension in the blending harmony of the dictating forces measuring our pace of life. Thus, time and space are envisaged with a new perspective, through the mirror of love and its core of passion, with its own ?measuring? conventions in order to eventually give a different value to life, spanning from a newborn cry to the wrinkles of senectitude.

A less-personal, ?from-inside-out? approach but a strong, general, ?from-outside-in? appeal to introspection and consideration, in the pursuit of harmony, true values and bliss.

OUT NOW via our Contact page with a special offer.
Available on and the German Media Stores starting with September 2012.
Available as an audio book (mp3 download) on and iTunes starting with December 2012.

[For a presentation into German, Italian, French or Romanian, please click on the correspondent language.]

Into Earth, Wind and Fire

Poems on Love and the Universal Elements Continue reading

Soar makes her literary debut with a book of poems about emotions and love. Using multiple layers of metaphor and simple to complex language, the author renders a soulful presentation of the merging of passion with the eternal universal elements into a final expression of love.

As deep forests, energetic rivers, whirling winds, and sun-drenched skies –feelings are depicted in fine detail, following the universal cycle of birth, rise, climax and fall to find rebirth in the light of hope and wisdom.

The message of “soul and love” emanating from every page is what the author identifies with, in her long, crystalline “course towards the deep blue sea of eternity” until she finds within herself the gems of the values she has been seeking.

A book to read. A book to feel.

To order via our Contact page , or

[For a presentation into German, Italian, French or Romanian, please click on the correspondent language.]