
!Please respect the Corona restrictions & reserve your seat in advance (limited seating)!


We are thrilled to invite you to a Valentine’s Special Edition Event focused on diversity, individuality and the richness of languages and cultures with the purpose of uplifting and empowering individuals and communities, in an overall atmosphere of amazing vibrations, good times, inherent hope and love manifestations through multidisciplinary artists and an array of thought-provoking, engaging artistic displays.

!!!Every single artist will début with a SPECIAL SURPRISE ACT, celebrating roots, growth, (r)evolution, transformation and human beauty!!!

Join in the uniqueness and be part of our SOUL!

Your SOUL and the CITY Team

Live Acts:
Rap Poetry
Story Poetry
Spoken Word
Visual Arts
Surprise Acts

MC: Soar

Cultures represented (a.o.):
Brazil, S. Africa, Japan, New Zeeland, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Persia, India, Australia, France, Slovenia, Romania

This is a multi-gender, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural event meant to bring joy and good times. No sexist, racist, bigoted, discriminatory, xenophobic or homophobic language will be tolerated.

Doors open at 6:30 pm
Entry Donation: 12 Euros (at the door)
Seating: with reservation at Tickets can be transferable.
Corona: vaccine, antibodies certificate (2G)
Limited seating. Please reserve in advance to assure your seat.

Soul and the city is an international undertaking, encompassing different artistic, educational and entertaining projects meant to explore, stimulate and empower socially engaged multicultural dialogues.
This is a non-profit project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page. Thank you!
An initiative by (c)Soul-and-the-city.
Curated by: Soul-and-the-City,
Hosted by: Lettrétage/ACUD Studio.
Picture credits: pixabay

Soul and the City Interview by Lettrétage


A beautiful interview by Lettrétage, regarding our projects and initiatives.
Check it out and join in this beautiful adventure! 💪😃🤍

With gratitude to Lettrétage/ACUD.

Full text here:

On December 2 and 12, the Berlin artist collective Soul And The City will organize two events at Lettrétage!

Soul And The City brings together various representatives from the fields of literature, performance, performing arts and visual arts on one stage in order to fuse different art forms in practice as well as to open up space for a theoretical examination of transdisciplinary artistic work. The aim is to point out the social interdependencies of our society through the fusion of different artistic approaches and to illustrate what art can mean in socio-political terms. By focusing on artistic collaboration in practice, the collective promotes not only entertaining, but above all educational aspects of interpersonal exchange and thus establishes art as a factor of social engagement.

On this occasion, we spoke with Soar Marongiu, the initiator of Soul And The City, about the socio-political mission of artistic work in general and about their collective in specific.

Q: How would you describe Soul And The City in one sentence?

A: An undertaking encompassing educational, artistic and entertaining projects meant to stimulate, support and empower socially engaged multicultural dialogues.

Q: Tell us a little bit more about Soul And The City: What was the initial idea? On which pillars is your collective based? And what is the meaning of the name?

A: SaC ensued from the idea of intertwining arts and allowing an outlet for various multidisciplinary artists to manifest and grow together. Our main pillars are education, arts and entertainment, as we develop and widen our horizons constantly. With SaC we want to debunk city lifestyle stereotypes, take enriching strolls one event/podcast/project at a time and search for authentic and diverse soul sparks in each city/community, as we dig into social aspects and problematics, unveil individual beauties and universal truths, and keep the hope vivid, while brushing over mundane cloaks of numbness and indifference.

Q: What are the goals of Soul And The City? What approach do you take in developing artistic work?

A: Our goal is to stay interconnected, to learn and to grow together within our communities, cities and worldwide. We can only achieve that by dialogue and empathic listening, as well as by actions through creating outlets of expression and manifestation, through initiating projects and collective undertakings, through solidarity work and societal support.

Q: As a collective, you try to express yourselves as transdisciplinary as possible in your artistic work. What approach do you take to this? How does your collaboration work in general? And what exactly is your role in the collective?

A: As part of the answer is already covered above, I will add that it is very important to have interdisciplinary collaborations and to allow such to happen and prosper. Depending on the project, we collaborate on an advisory basis and we initiate work with the support of those artists/art aficionados interested in that particular project or development or outcome. Thus, every collaboration is supple and based on trust and mutual appreciation of work and endeavours. My role is to initiate, mediate and guide though the process of accomplishments; plus, doing all the in-the-background, unseen work, so much needed for the success of each undertaking.

Q: Finally, what’s next for Soul And the City?

A: Apart from the events dedicated to arts, the solidarity work ensued from them, the WEpodcast, the creative writing masterclasses, the youth voices workshops, the worldwide anthology, the international cities HUB, we are planning the SaC International Days and an International Tour, in our insatiable quest for sparks of soul in every community and city or the world.

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Podcast Series, 2nd Episode: Bridges, Stags, Liberties and Biases: The Oxymoron of Amsterdam – Autumn Edition

This is the 2nd episode of our podcast series: Bridges, Stags, Liberties and Biases: The Oxymoron of Amsterdam – Autumn Edition

Welcome to our Soul and the City Podcast Series! The WEPodcast is a community podcast which endeavours to debunk city lifestyle stereotypes, make artistic strolls with fun, one city at a time, but more importantly absorb, dissect, reflect and empower socially aware international dialogue, together with local wordsmiths, event organizers, witty artists and art enthusiasts.
This is the 2nd episode of our podcast series:

Bridges, Stags, Liberties and Biases: The Oxymoron of Amsterdam – Autumn Edition

In this Episode:

00:01: Intro to the Podcast, presenting the title, welcoming the two co-hosts and the four guests.
04:10: Intro to Amsterdam as a city of contradictions and the legend of the Harlem boy
06:40: The three pillars in the quest of the soul and the oxymoron of Amsterdam
07:10: Demographics of Amsterdam and the live-and-let-live attitude
08:20: Ennio on being black in Amsterdam and on the live-and-let-live concept
11:00: Sahand on freedoms/openness for Amsterdamers vs. migrants/guests, the historical roots of migration, the financial freedoms linked to affordability and financial ease. The paradox of freedom.
15:00: Ennio on the modern city vs. the time capsule.
15:40: Soar on the contradictions of Amsterdam
16:36: Sahand on the regulated, conservative, practical freedoms of Amsterdam
19:30: Eve on inclusion, diversity and advocating for unheard voices. Education and creativity. The meaning of purple.
23:35: Nafiss on advocating for women’s rights in Amsterdam. Amsterdam’s daily oxymoron. Diversity: past versus present changes. The diversity fatigue.
32:24: Sahand on the demographics of the city vs. suburbs/wider metropolitan area. The variety of ethic backgrounds. Diversity and inclusion: cultural vs. financial institutions. The various pairs of glasses.
37:02: Ennio on the demographic numbers
39:10: Parallelism with Berlin and Prague
41:00: Sahand on storytelling. The shared human core elements/values, the individuality and universality of storytelling. The Dutch openness vs. the Iranian introversion
49:30: Romanian similarities
50:20: Debunking stereotypes: the coolest things of Amsterdam
1:01: Events and projects in Amsterdam
1:12: Ending notes
With many thanks to: @evy, @nafiss, @sahand, @ennio, @daniel, @soar.

———- (c) A production by Soul and the City, 2021. SaC is an international undertaking aiming to explore, stimulate and promote socially engaged multicultural dialogues through artistic, educational and entertaining projects worldwide. Music track credits: by pixabay.

All I Want For Christmas – The Coolest Night of Arts – End of the Year Event



!Please respect the Corona restrictions and reserve your seat in advance (limited seating)!


We are thrilled to continue with our “All I want for Christmas” series of events, which allow an outlet to different types of arts to manifest, intertwine and grow together with the purpose of creating a culturally diverse tapestry of thought-provoking expressions, up-close emotions and in-depth gestures, leaving positive imprints of social engagement and political awareness.

Some of Berlin’s coolest artists will gather together to perform in an atmosphere of fun and good times to end the year on a long awaited and much needed positive note. Specifically, the creators of this event stand in solidarity with: Child support and development programs – Water pump projects – Water and Hygiene Themes – Feminism – Nutritionfacts projects. Join us in this incredible event, share in the passion and help us perpetuate hope!


Live Acts:

Rap Poetry
Story Poetry
Spoken Word

Cedric Till (Germany)
Seraphina Taylor (UK)
Kat Leung (China)
Devin Gray (South Africa)
Hoda Zekavat (Iran)
Soar Marongiu (Romania)
Cécile Ventola (France)
Dan Stern (USA)
Mathias Baresel (Germany)
Luana Madikera (The Caribbean)
Dshamilja Roshani (South Africa)

MC: Soar
DJ Sounds: DJ Ankit


This is a multi-gender, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural event meant to bring joy and good times. No sexist, racist, bigoted, discriminatory, xenophobic or homophobic language will be tolerated.


Doors open at 6:30 pm

Entry Donation: 13 Euros (at the door)
Seating: only upon reservation via Tickets can be transferable.
Corona restrictions: vaccine, antibodies certificate.
Limited seating. Please reserve in advance to assure your seat.


Soul and the city is an international undertaking, encompassing different artistic, educational and entertaining projects meant to explore, stimulate and empower socially engaged multicultural dialogues.
This is a non-profit project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page. Thank you!

An initiative by (c)Soul-and-the-city.
Curated by: Soul-and-the-City,
Hosted by: Lettrétage/ACUD Studio.

In solidarity with: Child support and development programs – Water pump projects – Water and Hygiene Themes – Feminism – Nutritionfacts projects.

Picture Credits: Ylloh, Pixabay




Interview for Colaboradio Berlin Brandenburg Freies Radio

Tuesday, Oct. 26th, at 3 pm: tune in for a nice interview on Soul and the City and its undertakings and projects for the Colaboradio @Berlin Brandenburg Free Radio!

For those who missed it, here it is again:

 🤍Thank you Story for Food, the radio show!🤍
— feeling thankful at Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg Rbb.

Love, sweat and Laughter – Winter Edition Event



Mission Statement:
We are thrilled to continue with our “Love, Sweat and Laughter” series of events, which allow an outlet to different types of arts to manifest, intertwine and grow together with the purpose of creating a culturally diverse tapestry of thought-provoking expressions, up-close emotions and in-depth gestures, leaving positive imprints of social engagement and political awareness.

Some of Berlin’s coolest artists will gather together to present their witty performances in an enjoyable, friendly and slammin’ atmosphere refilled with love, sweat and laughter, the right impetus for the entire night. Join us in this incredible event, share in the passion and help us perpetuate hope!

Live Acts:
Rap Poetry
Story Poetry
Spoken Word


Crista Siglin (USA)
LouLou (UK)
Helena Kontoudakis (Greece)
Pavlo Voytovych (Ukraine)
Ashley Adamson (USA)
Soar Marongiu (Romania)
Camilla Therese Karlsen (Norway)
Carl Rieger (Germany)
Jasmine Lajeunesse (Canada)
Devin Gray (South Africa)

MC: Soar


This is a multi-gender, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural event meant to bring joy and good times. No sexist, racist, bigoted, discriminatory, xenophobic or homophobic language will be tolerated.

Doors open at 7:00 pm

Entry Donation: 10 Euros (at the door)
Seating: only upon reservation via Tickets can be transferable.
Corona restrictions: vaccine, antibodies certificate.
Limited seating. Please reserve in advance to assure your seat.


An initiative by (c)Soul-and-the-city.
Curated by: Soul-and-the-City,
Hosted by: Lettrétage/ACUD Studio.

Soul and the city is an international undertaking, encompassing different artistic, educational and entertaining projects meant to explore, stimulate and empower socially engaged multicultural dialogues.
This is a non-profit project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page. Thank you!

The SaC Mission Statement

This is who we are in 30 countries.

Follow our page for more international projects with artistic and educational focus


An audible journey through the themes of identity, love, politics, cities, time and life.

Whether you are enjoying the flow and stillness of nature or wandering about the mundane or buzzing city, Poetry-To-Go is your best companion for introspection, relaxation, exploration, positivity and fun.
This audible journey encompassing six story poems based on six different themes of identity, love, politics, cities, time and life will accompany and stimulate both the intellect and the visceral thinking in their organic relationship, while enjoying the surroundings and the personal experiences.
An initiative by SaC. Curated and edited by Soar. Soar is an author, public speaker, social innovator and award-winner of: Filmpoem OpenCompetition (PoetrySociety, UK), PoetryFest (Greece) and TIME is Love (France).

For direct download to you laptop, iphone or android in mp3 format: Download. Contact us at: for more information to this regard.

Podcast Series, 1st Episode: Foreign, Black, Dumplings and Prague – Summer Edition

We are debuting with our first episode of the podcast series: Foreign, Black, Dumplings and Prague - Summer Edition

Welcome to our Soul and the City Podcast Series! The SaC Podcast is a community podcast which endeavours to debunk city lifestyle stereotypes, make artistic strolls with fun, one city at a time, but more importantly absorb, dissect, reflect and empower socially aware international dialogue, together with local wordsmiths, event organizers, witty artists and art enthusiasts.

We are debuting with the first episode of our podcast series:

Foreign, Black, Dumplings and Prague – Summer Edition. Enjoy!

Youtube watching option:

In this Episode:

01:02 Intro by the hosts: Soar and Daniel
02:35 Historical intro of Prague
05:05 Introducing the guests of the show
06:45 Demographics of Prague
07:30 Fedorah on being foreign and black in Prague
12:40 Vojtec on audiences and music production
16:35 Ryan on his experience as a British expat in Prague and on artistic outlets.
22:17 Marko on his experience as a French expat and event organizer in Prague
28:30 Daniel on event dynamics, interactions and flow
30:08 Collaborating with Czech communities
31:28 The things that we would miss about Prague, i.e. the fun things of Prague
35:05 The dumplings of Prague; food experiences
38:00 Flexibility and relationship with authorities. The Czech mentality
40:00 The place to be in Prague
50:10 Why Prague
54:00 The Prague Police and the Black Lives Matter movement
55:50 Acting and film making opportunities
57:12 The best craziest experience in Prague
1:02 Prague and the LGBTQ+ community, the Equal Justice Initiative event
1:07 The role of artistic events
1:10 Current projects in Prague
1:16 Charles Bridge


———- (c) A production by Soul and the City, 2021. SaC is an international undertaking aiming to explore, stimulate and promote socially engaged multicultural dialogues through artistic, educational and entertaining projects worldwide. Music track credits: by pixabay.

Crista for Soul and the City: Artist Interview


It is our great pleasure to introduce Crista Siglin, a multitalented artist and the host of the SaC Creative Writing Masterclass for the next upcoming seasons. We promise the interview will get better and better by the end. Enjoy and see you all there!

#soulandthecity​, #empoweringwomen​, #creativewritingmasterclass

The SaC Creative Writing Masterclass Season 1- 2021

Mission statement: at SaC, we aim to explore, stimulate and promote socially engaged multicultural dialogue through different projects and undertakings.

About this Event

Creative writing is the best channel to stimulate, hone and enhance dormant intrinsic skills towards self-determination, positive choices and self-empowerment. Guided by international trained artists, the creative masterclasses are led in stimulating indoor or outdoor environments, and focus on writing and performance techniques and approaches in a pleasant and interactive manner. The participants will learn how to find or develop their own voice and enable thought-provoking pieces of writing. They will finally have a chance to perform their own pieces to one of our live or online events alongside established performers, such as published poets and acclaimed storytellers.

Masterclass Content

1 Building associations
2 Creating internal logics and codes
3 Disrupting logics and codes
4 Practical exercises

This Masterclass is for

– Writers who want to tell their stories from fresh ad challenging perspectives
– Aspiring writers who want to learn the intricacies of this activity
– Writers looking to build confidence in their own voice
– Art enthusiasts and aficionados

Tutor Profile (Season 1)

Crista moved to Berlin in 2017 after having grown up in the Midwestern United States. She was awarded a BFA in Painting and Creative Writing from the Kansas City Art Institute in 2015. Her work varies in medium — oscillating between painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, assemblage, and poetry. She explores the body and the mind’s relationship to environment, trauma, time, and phantasmagoria. She enjoys chasing ghosts, and making her way slowly but surely through the Criterion Collection with her cat, Apollo.
Her poetry has been published in Sprung Formal, KCAI’s Compendium, Not Sorry Zine, Retrograde Craft, Likewise Magazine, A Spartan Anthology and Desolate Country: We the Poets, United, Against Trump, Bridge, Domicilium, Kawsmouth, and Bear Review. Siglin released her first book of poetry, Fleeting, Sacred with Spartan Press in 2015. Crista is currently a poetry editor for SAND Journal Berlin, and runs Poetry As__A Workshop. Her second book of poetry, Unpleasable Nature, was released in July of 2020 by Vegetarian Alcoholic Press.

Masterclass Details

• S. 1, Ep. 1, May Issue: Sat. 29th Mai 2021: (Poetic) Metaphorical Entanglements
• S. 1, Ep. 2, July Issue: Sat. 31st July 2021: Analogical Thinking (Within the Poem)
• S. 1, Ep. 3, Sept. Issue: Sat. 25th Sept. 2021: Taking Your Poem for a Walk
• S, 1, Ep. 4, Nov. Issue: Sat. 27th Nov. 2021: Lists, Lists, Lists (and Finding a Poem in Them)
• Time: 1 pm-2:30 pm (CEST; UTC+2h)
• Platform: Zoom (upon invitation)
This masterclass is available globally. If you are joining from outside Germany, you can use this time zone converter ( to check your local live streaming time.

Tickets and costs

The first Masterclass is free of charge as a courtesy of SaC.
The following courses will be subject to minimum fees/tickets.
No use of racist, homophobic, xenophobic, discriminatory or derogatory language or behaviour will be tolerated throughout the masterclasses.
Please contact us at if you have any questions or concerns.

Event also shared on facebook under:

Teaser Soul-and-the-City Project


This is a teaser of combined, diverse, collective and variegated endeavours to create one unique artistic project of wordwide resonnance and representation. We thank to all the amazing artists being part of it!
Follow us and support us at @soulandthecity (Insta, Facebook).

#artisticevents, #worldwide, #spokenword, #poetry, #music, #dance, #comedy, #berlinevents, #multiculturalism, #multiethnicity, #oneness.

Beyond Words and Performances


This is an incredible endeavour which brought, through our socially engaged multicultural projects, something unique and perpetual to 250 families. We are indelibly grateful to our community, followers and supporters. Let’s have the audacity to make together greater, better things each time, every time! We are hope, we are love, we are ONE!
Follow us at:

Exclusive LP of poems, spoken word and story poems in pristine, transparent look


Exclusive LP of poems, spoken word and story poems in pristine, transparent look. Get your personal copy here
Picture credits: Denisa Diaconu

Epistles, Part III – She, He Perspectives: Everything is little things!


Throughout time, I have gathered little details from happy people here and there and I came up with a love story below. Hold on to the little things! They make the best of our feelings. HAPPY WOLRD POETRY DAY! Stay healthy, I miss you all! LOVE,

What do you want to tell me?

I think we should both take a step back before we say anything else.
I don’t have time for soulless things and superficial friendships.
I feel like I waste too much time on others and dont give you enough credit.
Do you want me to talk to that annoying guy?
I am the same to you here or thousand miles away.
It’s not like you not to answer your phone. I even left a singing message.
I didnt like that girl putting her elbow on your shoulder.
I dont just want you to be happy. I want to be part of your happiness.
Time with you has a different dimension.
We didnt even get a chance to spend some quality time together.
No one and nothing will ever come in between us.
I think you are more than amazing. I am sorry I could not spend the full moon with you.
Dont text me today!
I read your message and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I did not appreciate that you did not offer me a tea.
Your absence spells and feels a betrayal, for without you I find something missing within me.
If I didnt look up to you, you would not be in my life right now.
I am not coming anywhere with you if you dont read my letter first!
Ive watched all of the 7 movies just to be able to see the last one with you.
I suggest you go upstairs and rest, while I will cook for us both.
I love it when you can already read everything from my eyes.
If you are not too busy, and if you want, would you like to hang out with me?
What do you want to tell me?

The way that you carry yourself
Please fight for me. Never give up on me!
Youre a lady in the streets.
I will always answer your call.
Im busy. I don’t have time to socialize.
Sometimes I feel like you dont care for me.
No matter the result, I am proud of you.
Are you trying to make me jealous with that dentist?
The way you take my hand at crossroads
Do you mind answering my question??
I have an amazing surprise for you.
I know exactly what your Christmas gift is.
Id go to the end of the world with you.
Ill tell you next time in Brussels.
Dont worry Ive recovered your keys.
I cant stay angry with you more than 24h.
Relax, I think you should have a glass of Martini.
Sometimes you’re more catholic than the pope.
Stop the car. I want to kiss you right now.
You forgot the Christmas present.
What can I do to make it better?
I care for your success.
One day I would like you to feel the ultimate pleasure.
I am responsible for both of us right now.
You write long-ass letters.
I am sorry I could not make it.
Your words matter to me.
I worry for that vice of yours.
I know I am your first call when you’re in trouble.
I wish so much, just for once to say yes, 20 times.
You looked hot in that white dress.
Careful, there is a car coming.
Let’s burn a candle in the sky together!
What do you want to tell me?

Stop stifling me!
You are the shit!
Dont push me!
Let yourself go.
How does it make you feel?
Ive read all of your words.
Ill always catch you!
Ive never knitted before.
Your chest!!
I am your constant.
What if I fall?
I miss us so much!
Kelvin is not my guy!
That red dress!
Ive got words!
You are amazing!
Dear muse,
Your eyes!!!

(c) Soar, 2020. Picture credits: Shape of my heart, National Museum, Port of Spain, Trinidad. #soar, #soaringwords, #storypoems, #shortstories, #humanvalues, #life, #hope, #love.