Foreign Languages Tutoring

Writing Skills / Listening Comprehension / Speaking Practice / Reading Comprehension Continue reading

This foreign language learning workshop is dedicated to students and language aficionados of any age who want to forge their skills and knowledge in a foreign language. The classes are a combination of 2/3 practical exercises and 1/3 theory, while reinforcing the four pillars of a foreign language: Writing Skills/Listening Comprehension/ Speaking Practice / Reading Comprehension. Conducted by a tutor with over 20 years’ experience in the field and an M.A. in foreign languages, this workshop is meant to improve both the beginner, as well as the intermediate and advanced levels. Join us and be amazing together with us!

For booking the workshop please contact us at:

This is a non-profit project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page.

Cultural Workshop

Be a maverick in foreign languages! Continue reading

Because it’s not just about learning a language, but exploring its people, culture and lifestyle! Would you like a cultural immersion, instead of just grammar rules, of the language you want to learn? What are the most romantic French love songs, how important is Sanremo for the Italians, who is Eliade and what to do when in Dublin are some examples of approaches regarding a language and its cultural richness. Dive with us in the diversity and uniqueness of a language and its culture with all its complexities and marvels.

For booking the workshop please contact us at:

This is a non-profit project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page.

Your Berlin Weekend Getaway

Authenticity, Uniqueness, Multiculturalism, Inspiring Events, Fun Workshops and much more for your Special Occasions Continue reading

Expensive shows, low-key clubs, stereotyped tour guides, touristic venues? How about being part of the multicultural authenticity and uniqueness that Berlin has to offer? How about living Berlin’s multifaceted essence and becoming one with it, exploring your own talents inner voice and hobbies at the same time?
Soul and the City will gladly take you on a witty, fun and multicultural stroll during you permanence in Berlin where you can experience up-close amazing multidisciplinary artists, coolest locations, inspirational workshops and fun activities, leaving you amazed and empowered.
Reach us at for a personalised event planning/organization of your special weekend. (Dedicated to local groups or visiting groups from abroad for special occasions such as birthdays, bachelor(ette), holidays, etc.)

For booking a personalized event planning, please contact us at:

This is a non-profit project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page.

Find your voice

The gate to your passion Continue reading

Writing Skills, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication and Speech Workshop
This is an inspirational writing workshop developed to stimulate and enhance creativity, critical thinking and imagination as well as learning and academic skills through the development of: vocabulary, free speech, memory, focus, research praxis, time management, organisation, strategy development, as well as group work, introspection, self-identity, self-accomplishment. The workshop is dedicated to adults and the class will consist of 1/3 of theoretical aspects and 2/3 of practical exercises. From time to time, international authors, wordsmiths and field savvies

For booking the workshop please contact us at:

This is a non-profit project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page.

The Soul and the City International Days

Bringing the world together Continue reading

The SaC International Days is a two-day celebration of artistic manifestations, boot camps, themed discussions, showcasing the best international artists celebrating various continents and 30 countries through poetry, story poetry, spoken word, rap poetry, dance, comedy, music and much more, followed by an worldwide anthology release and an after party event.

This is a project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page.

Youth Voices

The future is creative Continue reading

Writing Skills, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Communication and Speech Workshop:
A creative writing workshop developed for schools, high-schools or institutions to stimulate and enhance students’ creativity and imagination as well as their learning and academic skills through the development of: vocabulary, free speech, memory, focus, research praxis, time management, organisation, strategy development, as well as group work, introspection, self-identity, self-accomplishment. The syllabus will comprise a combination of learning, listening, writing and reading activities, as well as individual research, detection, analysis, creation, editing, cross-work, practice and presentation of original texts. The class will consist of 1/3 of theoretical aspects and 2/3 of practical exercises. From time to time, international authors, wordsmiths and field savvies will join the classes as guests.

For booking the workshop for your school and for more information on the syllabus and on the theoretical and practical approaches of this course, please contact us at:

For booking the monthly online YOUTH VOICES workshop, please reserve your spot at:

This is a non-profit project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page.

Check out our GoogleCalendar and join for updates:
Soul and the City Calendar of Events 2022


Happy musing! Continue reading

Whether you are enjoying the flow and stillness of nature or wandering about the mundane or buzzing city, Poetry-To-Go is your best companion for introspection, relaxation, exploration, positivity and fun.
This audible journey encompassing six story poems based on six different themes of identity, love, politics, cities, time and life will accompany and stimulate both the intellect and the visceral thinking in their organic relationship, while enjoying the surroundings and the personal experiences.
An initiative by SaC. Curated and edited by Soar. Soar is an author, public speaker, social innovator and award-winner of: Filmpoem OpenCompetition (PoetrySociety, UK), PoetryFest (Greece) and TIME is Love (France).

For direct download to you laptop, iphone or android in mp3 format: Download. Contact us at: for more information to this regard.

The SaC Cities-of-the-World Hub

A touch of soul in every city of the world Continue reading

Our SaC Cities-of-the-World Hub is an extensive network interconnecting various cities and continents with the purpose to facilitate information, knowledge, skills and actions onto the SaC platform advocating for togetherness, uniqueness, mutual empowerment and growth.

This is a non-profit project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page.

Artistic Events

Leaving an imprint of social value to artistic expressions Continue reading

Since 2018, Soul and the City has been a platform of interaction, exploration and multicultural dialogue via its live and online events where wordsmiths, language aficionados and art admirers join in the palpable experience. The Love, Sweat and Laughter live event is a regular unmatched undertaking by a collective of international artists aiming to bring together different forms of art like poetry, story telling, rap poetry, dance, comedy, spoken word and music on the same stage in a witty and joyful atmosphere. After its unparallel sucess in less than a year, other events celebrating roots, diversity, inclusion, transformation, growth, (r)evolution and human beauty ensued, such as: Babylon: The Event of Many Tongues and Cultures, The Fellowship of Soul: Soul meets Art, Love and Politics, SpeakEasy: The Event of Prohibited Awesomenes, Inception: Worlds Within Worlds, The Big Berlin: Best of Berlin’s Artists and Arts. The All I Want- The Coolest Night of Arts is a yearly event which transcribes words and their purport into real actions and facts. Beyond words and performances we managed to assure a water pump for 250 families in a disadvantage village, vaccines, emergency kits, study materials, food, micronutrients, water and other aids to children and their families in need. Join us in this beautiful cause. Our artistic events are presented via our Facebook page under:Events or at the following link Cultural/Artistic Events.

Check out our GoogleCalendar and join for updates:
Soul and the City Calendar of Events 2022

This is a non-profit project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page.

The WEPodcast

Enhancing the individual. Replenishing communities. Endowing cities.
Continue reading

Our online podcast is part of the manifold projects led by Soul and the City. At SaC, we aim to explore, stimulate, empower and promote socially engaged multicultural dialogues through different projects and undertakings. The WE Podcast is dedicated to bringing together, each guest at a time, each country at a time, each community pillar at a time, different cultures, communities and art scenes in an eclectic intertwining of discoveries, endeavours and growth. From the coolest insights and tips on the local tapas bars to the best events, projects and communities, we absorb, deconstruct, digest, exhale and emanate art and social initiatives in each corner of the world. Our latest podcasts can be found here WEPodcast. Enjoy!

Check out our GoogleCalendar and join for updates:
Soul and the City Calendar of Events 2022

This is a non-profit project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page.

Publishing Services

Verba volant, scripta manent. Continue reading

In an ongoing digitalized and uniform society, the demand for singular, unique releases in printed form has increased, combined with a lack of professionalism in offering quality services to this regard. Under Soul and the City’s umbrella, we offer a complete array of bespoke services from consultancy, pre-editing, editing, cover design, layout structuring, post-editing, production, up to the post-production stage, like advertising, marketing and communication via social media channels. From the foundation to the top, we tailor our services to the needs of those wordsmiths who take their passion seriously and want to make a permanent, indelible difference. One of our core projects of such amplitude is our “Worldwide Anthology” – A Curated Selection of Poetry and Spoken Word, encompassing 30 countries and 6 continents, 40 diversities, 135.000 characters and 22.500 feelings (i.e. words), all gathered in an unparalleled result of hard work and professionalism. You can check our Anthology here and order your copy via our contact page.

If you are interested in our publishing services, contact us at: for more information to this regard.

The SaC Masterclass Series

One blank page at a time Continue reading

Our SaC Masterclass Series are meant for artists, art enthusiasts, academic students, scholars and professionals willing to develop and grow in various fields like creative writing, dancing, instrument learning, language tutoring, meditation or individual coaching. We have the professional skills to offer tutoring, coaching or a combination of both strategies to individuals, small groups or institutions. Coaching is the ability to work on efficient strategies in order to overcome blockages and barriers and to gain the right confidence in one’s inner voice and the expression thereof.

The SaC Masterclass on Creative Writing
Creative writing is the best channel to stimulate, hone and enhance dormant intrinsic skills towards self-determination, positive choices and self-empowerment. Guided by trained artists with international presence, the creative writing masterclasses are led online or in stimulating indoor/outdoor environments, and focus on writing and performance techniques and approaches in a pleasant and interactive manner. The participants will learn how to find or develop their own voice and enable thought-provoking pieces of writing. They will finally have a chance to perform their own pieces to one of our live or online events alongside established performers, such as published poets and acclaimed storytellers.

Contact us at: for more information to this regard. For specific information, please check:
SaC Masterclass on Creative Writing for 2021: Season 1 2021
SaC Masterclass on Creative Writing for 2022Season 2 2022

This is a non-profit project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page. Check out our GoogleCalendar and join for updates:
Soul and the City Calendar of Events 2022

Language Tutoring

Promoting multicultural dialogues Continue reading

Weather it is about creative writing, academic structuring, specific lingoes and industry jargons, we have the professional skills to offer tutoring, coaching or a combination of both strategies to individuals, small groups or institutions. Tutoring is aimed at building and developing concrete skills for immediate academic needs. Our native speaking tutors are professionals focusing on a student’s field of work or their general interests in the target language or country. The student’s learning interests are stimulated through a pleasant and agreeable approach towards the subject matter with the support of a variety of teaching tools (CDs, course units and language books, audio or video cassettes, and so forth) combined with grammar, reading and listening comprehension exercises and conversational practice.

Contact us at: for more information to this regard.


This is how we do it! Continue reading

The versatility of a language in its artistic expression (whether in the shape of poems, spoken word or theatrical performances) renders it suitable for any public or occasion. The intricacies of wit, humour, sadness, horror, love carried by the performed piece wrap the message and its intent in a unique manifestation with an entertaining perspective. We’ve been commissioned to do work for publishing houses, journals, private entities and weddings.

If you are interested in commissioning a written piece, performance, or video please contact us at: for more information to this regard.

Performances to private or corporate events

Business and pleasure. Continue reading

Although it would sound atypical to relate corporate events to art and its modern manifests, the combination of the two has been acclaimed and welcomed in the past years to various festivals, summits, conferences and other undertakings alike. We’ve performed at or opened for entities like BPW Bregenz (Austria), BPW Stuttgart (Germany) and Business Networking in Münich (Germany) among others. We are happy to offer bespoke performances of spoken word, poetry, story-telling, story poetry, video screenings and other related artistic formats for your specific occasions.

If you’re interested in having us perform at an event you’re hosting please contact us at: for more information to this regard.