[Fr eine Prsentation auf Italienisch, Franzsisch oder Rumnisch, bitte auf die entsprechende Sprache klicken.]

Autorin, soziale Innovatorin, Polyglotte, Dichterin, Podcasterin, Moderatorin, MC, Tutorin, Konferenzdolmetscherin und zertifizierte Uebersetzerin, Soar ist eine Botschafterin des interkulturellen Dialogs und des multikulturellen Austauschs, die internationale Gemeinschaften durch verschiedene soziale und kuenstlerische Projekte zusammenbringt und dabei menschliche Werte, das Leben und positives Denken hervorhebt.

Aufgewachsen in einer multikulturellen Familie, brachte sie die unterschiedlichen Einfluesse ihrer Erziehung mit ihrem Studium an Universitaeten in Rumaenien, Frankreich, Deutschland und Großbritannien. Von klein auf verfolgte sie ihr Talent für Fremdsprachen, entdeckte Kulturen und Zivilisationen, intensiviert durch internationale Reisen und hautnahe Erfahrungen, die ihr einen kosmopolitischen Charakter einprägten, der staendig nach Wissen dürstet.

Soar hat einen Master-Abschluss in Internationalen Beziehungen und Diplomatie (UK) und ist Doktorandin im selben Bereich (FR). Zusätzlich zu ihrer Qualifikation als beeidigte Dolmetscherin und ermächtigte Übersetzerin hat sie das 2. Staatsexamen abgelegt, das ihr die Anerkennung als Fremdsprachenlehrkraft im öffentlichen Bildungswesen in Deutschland verleiht. Sie ist die Gründerin von Soul-and-the-City, Live-Music-Events, Poetry-in-Motion und der Initiative LOVE for Children, Bestrebungen, die soziale Gerechtigkeit und Wachstum erforschen, anregen, unterstützen und fördern sollen.


Awards and recognitions:
1st Regional Prize for the Multilingual AG (in collaboration with the MCG newspaper), Brandenburg, Germany, 2024
Special prize for the Multilingual AG, dju (Deutsche Journalisten Union), Berlin, Germany, 2024
TIME is Love – International video art program, 11th Edition, 2018.
Open Competition winner at the Filmpoem Festival (in partnership with The PoetrySociety), UK, 2017.
Selected for final screening at the International Poetry Festival, Greece, 2017.
Member of: The Society of Authors (UK), Poets&Writers (USA), BPW (AT), Ambassador of BUI – Bodensee (DE).


Official releases
#2024-present: The Multilingual AG (quarterly publication in collaboration with the MCG Gymnasium, Brandenburg)
#2022-present: NEWSoftheSOUL (bi-annual edition of the best in art, education and culture by Soul and the City)
# 2022: The Spoken Word Anthology (Contemporary poetry and short stories from 30 countries/6 continents)

# 2022: The Spoken Word Anthology (Contemporary poetry and short stories from 30 countries/6 continents)
# Exclusive LP of poetry, spoken word and story poetry – 2020
# Soul Diary – 2019
# Colours of Life – 2016
# Yours, poetically – 2014
# In the Palms of Space and Time – 2012
# Into Earth, Wind and Fire – 2011


Publication credits (Germany, Italy, UK, Romania, USA and Australia):
Decanto The Poetry Magazine, Enigma, Lastbench, Flash Literary Journal, Women Move the Soul, Indie Spirit Magazine, Mrkische Allgemeine, BW Polyglott – BD Magazine, Schwbische Zeitung, Woman@Work Magazine, The Munich Eye, The Berlin Eye, Terpress Urbana, Confluente literare, 600 Second Saga, Ginosko Literary Journal, AntipodeanSF, Indie Berlin, Jazz-dis-junction, The Next Review.


Live performances
Soar lectures and performs poetry and stories on different themes and from fresh perspectives to various artistic events in Europe. For enquiries and booking for interviews, performance, artistic events: info@soaring-words.com.



“You have created very beautiful work.” (Lapwing Publications, UK)

“I can assure you that your poem/s will be featured in future issues of one of our publications.” (Lastbench Magazine, UK)

“It was a pleasure to receive your message and read your poetry.” (Tears in the Fence- An independent, international literary magazine, UK)

“Thank you so much for contacting Enigma Magazine and showing me your work. I love the freshness and warmth that you work emanates – it’s sensual and runs easily in the mind. I would be delighted in showcasing some of your work in our next issues.” (Enigma Magazine, UK)

“It feels as though you are a person who makes out of her passion life itself.” (Terpress, Italy)

“We are very happy to count you from now on among our circle of friends.” (Club des Potes, France)

“I read your work and you are without question a very sensuous and talented poetess.” (Grebennikov Verlag GmbH, Germany)

“We find your literary project very interesting…and we are happy to include you in our future programs.” (Romanian Cultural Institute Berlin, Germany)

“I admire the intelligence and experimental ingenuity in your work. Thank you for letting me see these.” (The American Journal of Poetry, USA)

“Poetry-story is what you do, with talent, with an intellectually erotic pleasure for the word, for its musicality. You write in a feminine way without falling into feminism. What you do is a lyrical manifestation of femininity. It is also modern; one can assume that in the New Yorks underground poetry world it could be the same. It is actually very good. You have a defined style, you dont fall into clichs; you maintain the lyricism and the esthetical level to the same values, no matter where I start to read the story. And the way you read it is part of an artistic act; the word and its sound merge together in your style.” (B. Iliescu, USA)
